Achieving Peak Performance:

Mastering the Flow State with Recess, Our Neuro tech App
Matt Swartz

Have you ever been so focused on a task that you lost track of time? You looked up and suddenly, two or three hours had passed? Not only did you accomplish your task, but it felt easy, effortless, without any resistance, and actually quite enjoyable. Maybe you haven’t experienced this yet at work, but you’ve likely experienced it playing sports, out in nature, or whatever place you feel most “yourself”.

This is called the Flow State, also known as being “In the Zone”. It is a state of peak performance where we feel our best and perform our best, fully engaged in the task at hand, and we are able to achieve our goals more easily. According to the psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the pioneer of flow, Flow State is a state of optimal experience that is characterized by intense concentration, high energy, and a sense of enjoyment and fulfillment

The flow state is not just a good feeling. This brain state has been shown to have a number of benefits, including:

  • Increased productivity
  • Improved creativity
  • Enhanced learning
  • Reduced stress
  • Enhanced well-being

For extremely successful peak performers, including athletes, artists, and high performing professionals, the ability to harness this state is what sets them apart from others. What if this state was accessible to everyone with the right training? What if there was an app that made it easy to train yourself to get into flow in 10-20 minutes a day? Enter Recess for Flow State.

What is Recess?

Recess is a disruptive neuro-tech app that combines effective goal setting, innovative brain-rewiring bilateral stimulation, and a proprietary Flow Algorithm to help users enter and sustain flow state. Not only does it help users to enter Flow in the present moment, it also helps increase the users ability to enter flow more reliably in the future.

How does Recess work?

Recess helps users achieve flow by combining daily check-ins, goal setting, mood assessments, a proprietary Flow algorithm and Flow Score, and personalized bilateral stimulation Flow sessions.

Daily Recess

Every day, Recess prompts you to take a 5 minute Recess by setting your daily intentions, reporting your progress on your previous intentions, and asking a few questions about how you are feeling and your current progress on your intentions. Each day, you will be reminded to take your Recess to continue your progress towards reaching your goals and sustaining Flow State. 

Flow Score

Once you answer some questions about your specific intentions and your current mood in your Daily Recess, Recess’ proprietary Flow State Algorithm will calculate your current Flow Score. This score will help you and Recess understand the steps you need to get from where you are to Flow State. 

Flow Sessions

Based on your Flow Score, Recess’ proprietary Flow State Algorithm will recommend one of our Flow Sessions tailored to meet your needs - Purpose, Presence, Potential, or Peace. These Flow sessions are designed to Boost your Productivity, Enhance your Focus, Increase your Capability, and Decrease your Stress. Each session is 10 minutes, and utilizes bilateral stimulation. Based on your results, you’ll be prompted into another session (for a maximum of two per day) or encouraged to begin making progress on your intentions. 

How can Recess help me to Achieve Peak Performance?

Recess can help you to achieve peak performance by helping you to:

Enter and Sustain Flow

Experience effortless performance and enhanced wellbeing now and more easily in the future with continued use

Relax and Reduce Stress

Release stress from your body and mind, removing resistance and replacing it with ease and clarity

Increase Motivation and Productivity

Accomplish your goals with intrinsic motivation and drive instead of forced discipline

Boost Awareness and Focus

Return to the present moment and easily sustain your focus without effort

Grow Capability and Skill

Enhance your connection with your inherent capability and worth, increasing your ability to master challenges and easily approach new goals.  

Enhance Creativity

Easily think outside the box and come up with new ideas and solutions, working smarter not harder by seeing new connections and possibilities that were previously invisible.

Increase Efficiency

Use your time and resources more effectively, rather than wasting time trying to force yourself forward and getting nowhere

How Can I Get Started with Recess?

Simply download the app and create an account. Begin your first recess, enter your goals, allow us to measure your Flow Score, and start your first Flow Session today. Recess is available for both iOS and Android devices.

How Can I Get Started with Recess?

Simply download the app and create an account. Begin your first recess, enter your goals, allow us to measure your Flow Score, and start your first Flow Session today. Recess is available for both iOS and Android devices.

In Conclusion

Recess is a powerful tool that can help you to achieve peak performance in everything you do. If you're looking for a way to relax, focus, and enter a state of flow, Recess is the perfect app for you. 

With daily use of Recess, you will find it easier to enter and sustain flow state, producing increased productivity, enhanced focus, increased creativity, reduced stress, greater capability, and increased daily efficiency. For any Peak Performer (or those aspiring to be), Recess could be exactly the tool you need to supercharge your progress and rewire your brain into Flow State. 

Would it surprise you to know that I was procrastinating on writing this blog, and then with a few minutes of bilateral stimulation and Recess, I was able to feel deeply motivated to write, and was able to finish this blog easily and effortlessly? From 0 to Flow State in about 10 minutes! 

We’ve all felt stuck or overwhelmed, and likely more often than we would like to admit. But we have goals and a vision for the future - what if it were easier to get there? Let Recess help you Find Your Flow today!

Ready to achieve peak performance with Recess?
Yes please!