Reduce Mental Health Days and Boost Productivity: Strategies, Tips and Tools

Kelz Bethel
Co founder & CEO

Addressing Mental Health for Enhanced Productivity

In the dynamic landscape of business, measuring performance and achieving objectives stand as pivotal goals. Metrics such as absenteeism, presentism, key performance indicators (KPIs), and quarterly milestones are meticulously tracked to ensure companies maintain their desired levels of productivity and performance. Amidst this framework, there's a fundamental factor that can either elevate or erode productivity at an alarming pace—mental health. The ability of team members to uphold positive mental well-being is intrinsically linked to a company's performance indicators. By adopting a proactive approach rather than a reactive one, leaders can ensure that mental health is actively supported, reducing the occurrence of mental health days and fostering an environment of optimal performance. Here are some ways that can help reduce mental health days towards a path to improved productivity. 

In this blog we outline strategies, tips and tools on how you can reduce mental health days and craft a path towards to improved productivity through positive mental health practices. 

Strategies to Reduce Mental Health Days

Work-Life Balance and Setting Boundaries

The paradigm of work-life balance has taken center stage in modern business discussions. Forward-thinking companies have even embraced the concept of a 4-day work week, countering the misconception that longer work hours equate to heightened productivity. Extensive studies reveal the contrary: effective work boundaries empower teams to allocate ample time for their personal lives, ultimately curbing burnout and negating the need for frequent mental health days.

Creating a Supportive Work Environment

Cultivating a supportive work environment is a cornerstone of nurturing mental health. The question lingers: can team members freely approach their managers and leaders? Is the workplace conducive to open discussions about personal challenges? By fostering a safe space, where employees can voice their concerns without fear of judgment, the inclination for taking mental health days subsides considerably.

Prioritizing Self-Care and Stress Management

The profound impact of stress on businesses is undeniable, with an estimated monthly cost of around $2500 per employee. The crucial question arises: how can companies curtail this mounting toll, shielding against the perils of burnout? The answer lies in implementing a range of wellness programs that are tailored to empower team members to prioritize self-care and effective stress management techniques.

Techniques for Focus, Goal Setting, and Resilience

Mindful Task Management 

Mindfulness, the practice of being present and fully engaged in the moment, can significantly enhance focus and productivity. Incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine by breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps. This technique prevents overwhelm and encourages a sense of accomplishment as your team members complete each step. According to Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen its important to focus on clearing the  mind of team members off random stuff  —be it answering emails, organizing a meeting, or writing a book—by moving them to a trusted external system.


Setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals provides a structured framework for achieving objectives. Whether personal or professional, SMART goals guide your efforts in a focused and organized manner, increasing your chances of success.

Resilience Building

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks. Cultivate resilience by reframing challenges as opportunities for growth. Develop a positive self-talk habit and practice self-compassion, acknowledging that setbacks are a natural part of any journey.

Tools for Support

Mindfulness and Productivity Apps

The rise of technology has led to the creation of numerous mindfulness and productivity apps. These apps offer guided meditation sessions, breathing exercises, and time management tools. Consider integrating a mental health app into your routine that provides both mindfulness practices and productivity-enhancing features. Such apps can remind you to take breaks, engage in relaxation techniques, and maintain a balanced work-life schedule.

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) and Wellness Trackers

Employee Assistance Programs are an invaluable resource offered by many companies. They provide access to professional counselors who can guide you through personal or work-related challenges. Additionally, wellness trackers can help you monitor your stress levels, sleep patterns, and physical activity, enabling you to make informed decisions about your well-being.

Embracing a Holistic Approach:
Integration of Strategies, Techniques and Tools

Consistency is the foundation of success. Regularly engage in the techniques and tools that resonate with your team culture. Remember, self-care is not a luxury but a necessity. Prioritize activities that rejuvenate the mind, body, and spirit for all, ultimately boosting overall productivity.

The key to a successful mental health and productivity journey is the seamless integration of strategies, techniques and tools. Combine mindfulness practices from apps with the structure of SMART goals. Use your wellness tracker data to make adjustments routines based collective mental health and productivity metrics.

Recess has created this integration that makes this easier for teams. Recess simplifies task management, help capture SMART goals but most importantly its one of the only solutions on the market that ties mindful task management into the relevant self care and mental health daily practices that are needed to achieve the goals.

Interested in learning more on how recess can help your team?
Learn more about Recess for teams and business here.


In the quest for enhanced productivity and resilience, the techniques and tools we've explored provide a solid foundation for mental well-being. By incorporating mindfulness, SMART goals, and resilience-building practices, you'll be better equipped to navigate life's challenges and pursue your goals with renewed vigor.

With the support of mindfulness and productivity apps like Recess,  as well as the resources offered by Employee Assistance Programs and wellness trackers, you'll have a comprehensive toolkit to foster both mental health and productivity. Remember, the key lies in embracing a holistic approach that integrates these strategies seamlessly into your routine.

Prioritize team well-being, and watch as your productivity soars to new heights and reduce mental health days, empowering you to achieve your goals and live a fulfilling life.

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